Monday 19 August 2013

Trial Date Set for Oscar Pistorius

Oscar Pistorius was indicted today for the Valentine’s Day murder of his then girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Among other things, the indictment reads, “The accused did unlawfully and intentionally kill a person.” The double-amputee Olympian, a.k.a. the Blade Runner, was charged with planning and premeditating Reeva’s murder, which comes with a mandatory sentence of life behind bars.

Pistorius’ trial was set announced today to begin on March 3, 2014. The entire trial, however, could take place in several different phases, likely lasting a year or more because of potential motions and postponements along the way. A list of more than 100 state-witnesses was listed in the indictment. Pistorious’ legal team is yet to release their witness list.

Pistorius also was indicted for allegedly violating South Africa’s firearms-control act. In South Africa, people can possess ammunition only if they are licensed to own a gun, and their ammunition must be specific to that weapon. Pistorius claimed that he stored the ammunition for a gun that his father owns.

Pistorius continues to maintain his innocence; he claims he mistook Reeva for a burglar.

Adding to the misery for the Steenkamp family, Reeva would have celebrated her 30th birthday today.

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