Friday 28 September 2012

Curbside “Couch-Humper” Arrested

A 46-year-old Wisconsin man, Gerald P. Streator, was arrested this month for allegedly having sex with a curbside couch. At 11 p.m. on 3 September 2012, an off-duty Waukesha police officer was jogging on North University Drive near Pebble Valley Road when he spotted an abandoned yellow couch on the curb.

The off-duty officer then claims that he saw Mr. Streator “having sex with an abandoned couch set on a curb, thrusting his hips as if he was having sex with a person,” the report says. The officer approached and yelled “what are you doing,” which allegedly caused Mr. Streator to run away. It was at that point that the officer realized that the assailant was “thrusting it between the couch cushions for sexual gratification.”

The officer chased the couch-humper to an apartment building nearby, where the perpetrator walked upstairs and entered one of the apartments. The officer contacted the police department, reported the incident and discovered Streator’s name. Police returned to the apartment the next day and spoke to Streator’s wife, who told them that her husband had done nothing wrong. Police then visited Streator’s work place and spoke to him there about the alleged incident. Streator denied being out at that time, saying that he had been at home with his wife and had gone to bed around 10:30 p.m.

He will make his initial appearance in court 1 October 2012. 

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