Tuesday 19 November 2013

More trouble for the Gun Wielding George Zimmerman

Problems continue for 30yr-old George Zimmerman after being acquitted four months ago of murder in the death teenager Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was arrested Monday night after a “domestic disturbance” with his girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe. According to Samantha’s 911 call the incident began when the former neighborhood watch captain grew upset during an argument and brandished a weapon at her. “He's in my house, breaking all my shit because I asked him to leave,” Scheibe told the dispatcher. “He's got a freaking gun breaking all my stuff right now.”

Scheibe said Zimmerman then pushed her out the home that they have shared ever since Zimmerman became estranged with his wife and locked her out. Authorities said when they arrived Scheibe gave them keys to the home, and that they had to push through obstacles by the door to get in. Seminole County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Dennis Lemma said at a news conference that when they arrived on the scene Scheibe told police that Zimmerman shoved her then pointed a long-barrel shotgun at her and threatened her. Zimmerman told police that he “never pulled a firearm,” but that when he was packing it he’s “sure she saw it.” He claimed that he kept it next to the bed.

In September of this year Zimmerman was arrested after an altercation with his ex-wife, Shelly Zimmerman. Shelly told 911 dispatched during that incident that Zimmerman had his hand on his gun and was daring people to come closer in a threatening manner, saying that he would shoot them. In an interview Shelly said that Zimmerman feels invincible after his acquittal. Zimmerman has also been pulled over three times since his acquittal for speeding. 

He now faces a felony charge of aggravated assault and the lesser charges of battery domestic violence and criminal mischief in this latest incident. Zimmerman went in front of the judge today and was released on a $9,000 bond. Zimmerman was also ordered to give up his guns, wear an electronic monitor, and to stay away from his girlfriend. Scheibe says she fears for her safety and that Zimmerman had told her that he had “nothing to lose.” Zimmerman’s arraignment will be Jan. 7, 2014.